- Server is not responsible for the loss of your items or account if you choose to handout your account information. The staff team will never ask you for your password, so do not share your information with anyone.

    - Our server includes an ingame PINCODE, you must set it up in order to be in the safest position. If you do not use it and face issues afterwards, we are not responsible for your losses in any aspect.

    - To be safe, please register using new information that hasn't been used in the past.

    - There may be some scammers in the game that imitate other players' names, so be careful in dealing with others and DO NOT exchange any item unless you check what is being given to you or from who. (report these users with screenshots if able). 

    - Refrain from asking fellow server users to be your middle man as we are NOT responsible for the loss of items during such, refer to as staff member.

    - You are not able to change your nicknames inside the game by asking for it or by any name-changer scrolls. Yet, Server Online administration hold the rights to change any nickname for security purposes. (Mostly applied to avoid fake names, scammers and such.) 

    - Any rule break will be punished. Punishments are choosen/applied by the staff members. Players do not have the rights to question admin decisions. 

    - Any real money deals are strictly forbidden. You cannot sell your ingame items/silks or whatever for cash. This will most likely result in a banishment, and in the best case your silks/valuable items will be deleted, depending on the illegal deal you try to accomplish. 

    - Middlemans are included in this section. On the other side, whoever reports an illegal deal like mentioned above, will be rewarded.  

    - You are asked to play inside our system limits. Attempting to exceed any of these limits will result in a punishment. (HWID/IP Limits, gameplay limits –coins and such-). Therefore, we strongly recommend you to read our systems to learn about the limits and other details. 

    - Attempting to abuse any possible bugs ingame is strictly forbidden, and will result in a punishment. You are asked to report any bug to Server staff.

    - We will be rewarding these reporters, and the rewards will depend on how critical the bug is. 

    - It is forbidden to play Server only for botting and illegal sales. You must have 1 main account, and bot chars as much as our PC/IP limits allow you. People who do not have main accounts and only bot for farming/selling stuff will be punished.

    - Hate speech is not accepted. You cannot include any national/religious provocative words/sentences in your speeches. These kind of behaviour will most likely be chatbanned by the administration team. The usual fight between players are not punished, we recommend using "block" feature for this if you feel offended. Yet, this will be tolerated to some extent only.

    - Spamming in "all-chat" is forbidden and will result in a chatban.

    - Impersonating a staff member will result in a permanent account/ip/hwid ban.

    - Insulting any staff member, or provocative speech towards the server is forbidden and will result in a punishment. 

    - Cheating, or attempting to cheat is not tolerated. Using auto-events or any ingame activity for your advantage (even though we have our limits applied) is forbidden and will be warned if seen/reported. More than 1 warn will result in a punishment. (E.g. killing your own chars, friends, guild members intentionally for more X points/coins.) 

    - Advertising any other project is strictly forbidden and will result in a permanent IP/HWID ban. 

    - Server Online administration hold the rights to update this policy without any prior notice. It is players' responsibility to check it often.

    - If you are playing Server, or have an account registered in Server, it means you read and accept the rules and terms mentioned above. 

Server Information
  • Active Players : 34 / 5000
  • Server Status: Easy
  • Level Cap : 100
  • Race : Chinese
  • Start Level : 100
  • Server Cap : 100
  • Maximum Degree : 10
  • Main City : Jangan
  • 1 Gold System
Fortress War
Event Calendar
  • Time: 00:00:00
  • Fortress War: 00:00:00
  • B.A. (Party): 00:00:00
  • B.A. (Guild): 00:00:00
Discord Server
